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Faszination Floating

FloatingFloatingFloating   recreation & healthiness

The stress we experience in our everyday lives affects our sense of well-being – we feel exhausted, bad-tempered, or even burned out. We experience a yearning for intense mental and physical relaxation. The Floating technique was developed in 1954 by the American brain scientist, Dr. John Lilly. Your body floats weightlessly in a salt-water pool, which is maintained at normal body temperature, completely sealed off from the outside world. The absence of sensual stimuli means that we are able to let go and switch off – we begin to experience relaxation in a completely new dimension. Discover the fascination of floating with J. D. Schwimmbad-Bau & Design.

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Schwimmbadbau und Design



J.D. Schwimmbad-Bau & Design GmbH
Wirkerstrasse 28
72461 Albstadt

Tel.: +49 7432 - 98090
Fax: +49 7432 - 980950
E-Mail: info@j-d.de